

Small Group Ministry: God has been using Christians
meeting in Small Groups for almost 2000 years to grow the
church. Here are five reasons you should join/start a small
group (casual food & study), and enjoy life together.

  1. Jesus’ Way of Life Cannot Be Learned or
    Lived Alone.
  2. Change Needs Support and Encouragement,
    Support Encourages Positive Change.
  3. Relationships Lead to Sharing, which leads
    to Growing.
  4. Mission Happens in Small Groups, which
    leads to Fulfillment.
  5. Small Groups Take Church Beyond Sunday
    and into Community.

    Small Groups are forming and meeting, based on your
    interests and schedule – Empty Nesters (Serendipity),
    Women, Men, LifeLight (In-Depth)? just let Pastor know.

Current Small Groups include:

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