Christian Growth Ministry Team Christmas Giving Tree will be for the students and families at Concordia Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana. The Giving Tree will be for Gift Cards that will be given to students at the Seminary’s Christmas Marketplace event that will take place before the students leave on Christmas vacation in early December. On the Giving Tree will be Christmas Trees with an amount of a gift card in amounts of $10.00, $20.00 or $25.00. These gift cards can be from the following stores or restaurants: Meijer, Walmart, Applebee’s, Subway, McDonald’s, Wendy’s or Burger King. Gas cards can be from Meijer, Marathon or Speedway for $25.00. These gifts encourage the students and bring joy to them, making the holidays happy for them in many ways.
Baby Quilts for Seminary Families—Is there is anyone in Mount Calvary that makes baby quilts? The Fort Wayne Seminary welcome quilts to give to students who have babies while at the Seminary or on Vicarage to welcome a new member of the family. Please let the Christian Growth Ministry Team know that you are going to donate a quilt so that it can be delivered to the Food Bank when the gift cards are delivered.
Thank you for considering a gift for Concordia Seminary in Fort Wayne.
Mount Calvary Lutheran Church will celebrate 60 years of ministry for Rev. Donald Veitengruber Sunday, October 13 during the 9:30 am worship service and a reception afterward. Pastor Veitengruber and his wife, Deanna (“Dee”), moved to Greenville in 2001 after his retirement and joined Mount Calvary, becoming beloved members of the congregation. Although “retired” they still play an active role in the congregation and in the community! Rev. Veitengruber always wanted to be a pastor, following the example of an uncle, so he attended Lutheran schools in Wisconsin, the Senior College in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, and Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. He served a year of vicarage in Caracas, Venezuela, where he polished his Spanish language skills, which still serve him today as he tutors area Spanish-speaking students and others in literacy. Returning from vicarage and completing another year at Concordia, he graduated from the seminary in May,
Rev. Donald Veitengruber, Dee Veitengruber
1963 — and the very next day, June 1st, he and Dee were married, so Sunday’s event celebrates both his ministry and their marriage! He continued his studies another year to obtain his Master’s degree. Rev. Veitengruber was ordained and installed at Bethany Lutheran Church in Eldon, Missouri July 12, 1964 and served there until 1968 when he was called to serve St. Peter Lutheran Church in Caseyville, Illinois, near East St. Louis. He pastored there for 14 years until 1982 when he was called to St. John Lutheran Church in Port Sanilac, Michigan. In all communities where they lived, Dee has been involved in thrift stores, food pantries and other ministries in the church and area, while also caring for their family. Don pastored in Port Sanilac for 18 years until he retired in 2000. While there he was a member of the Port Sanilac Lions Club where he served as president and zone chairman. Since retiring here to Greenville in 2001, he continues to be active with the local Lions Club. He served his country, as well as his Lord, by providing spiritual support as a Chaplain in the Illinois National Guard for several years and then transferred to the Army Reserves serving in Illinois, Missouri and Michigan in various units. Commissioned while a seminary student, he retired in 1991 after 32 years of commissioned service, and is a member of the Reserve Officer Association. Here at Mount Calvary, Pastor Don has been the weekly Lifelight Bible Class leader for many years. The class numbers about 30 folks, including several from other churches and denominations. He also enjoys gardening and is often found at church trimming bushes or pulling weeds.
Dee has always been supportive of all of Dons activities, while herself being active in Lutheran Women in Mission and MOST ministries, travelling abroad to many places with eyeglass or Vacation Bible School missions. She has also served on the board and as a volunteer at the Greenville Ecumenical Food Mission for many years. At Mount Calvary she is active in planning and carrying out a variety of activities to enrich our church life. Dee has served as the church organist for many years and her musical talents at the organ, keyboard and with our Praise Team are much appreciated though she is looking forward to a time when she can take a bit of a rest from them. Mount Calvary is so blessed to have Pastor Don and Dee Veitengruber in our midst for 23 years and counting and we praise God and thank them for all the love and inspiration they give to us. The public is invited to join in the celebration Sunday. Mount Calvary is located at 908 West Oak Street in Greenville, near the hospital
All Christian churches are commissioned by Jesus Christ to make disciples – baptizing and teaching. A Christian Church is also defined by the response of its people to the grace (or free gift) we have been given – the gift of forgiveness, and the promised gift of life forever together with God, because of the sacrificial death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. Our response at Mt. Calvary seeks to go beyond just words – to experience true JOY – Jesus, Others, Yourself. You are invited to join us as we POINT the Way together.
Have you claimed your inheritance yet? God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense
Seeking answers to questions? God questions? Bible questions? Church teaching questions? Life questions? We’re available to help you. We also make house calls.
God’s Blessings in Christ our Savior, From your Brothers and Sisters in Christ
Kids Against Hunger food packaging, equivalent to 16,000 meals. Great turnout of volunteers from Greenville Area congregations, Saturday, Nov. 2!
Packaging these nutritious bags of food for up to two hours (10a-12p) requires 5 tables (10 persons per table) for every 10,000 meals. As in the past, we can package up to 20,000 meals with 10 tables, requiring approximately 100 volunteers. This equates to a cost for food supplies of about $500 per table (2000 meals packaged per table). Donations to our Benevolence Fund are most welcome to help pay for a table of volunteers. We’re thankful to Thrivent Financial for their commitment to this year’s event! Pastor Jeff
Mount Calvary will host a traveling Spoke Folk team of bicycling youth and adults from all over the country who share Christian messages of Good News and encouragement through a program of music, skits and puppetry engaging all ages. Our goal is to also have a bicycle safety fair. Volunteers will work together to welcome and support the Spoke Folk team as they develop relationships and share the Gospel with our congregation and the community.
“Spoke Folk” Festival will be held at Mount Calvary, Greenville,
Monday, July 22, beginning at 4:00 pm. “SpokeFolk” consists of a team
of bicycling high school and college youth and adults from all over the
country who share Christian messages of Good News and encouragement
through a program of music, drama and puppetry for all ages. The group
is stopping overnight at Mount Calvary, Greenville, as part of their
12-day bike tour in West Michigan. Cameron’s Bicycle Shop will also be
there to show off their bicycles and offer bicycle safety checks.
Activities begin at 4:00 pm, Dinner will be served at 6:00 pm, the
Program begins at 7:00 pm, and an Ice Cream Social will follow.
Everyone is invited to bike or travel over to Mount Calvary, Greenville,
meet the team members, participate in some activities, and enjoy some
food, fun and friendship.
POC: Pastor Jeff Wilhelm
Be part of the Action Team as we welcome the Spoke Folk 2019 team
cycling to Greenville for an overnight stop, Monday, July 22. Bicycle
Safety Fair, Food & Fellowship, Music, Skits, Puppetry & Ice
Cream! Thanks in advance for your help!
MARCH 6 and 10Lent begins with Ash Wednesday this week, March 6. Receiving the imposition of ashes as a mark of the cross on our foreheads reminds us: “We live from ashes to ashes with the assurance of our Lord’s resurrection.”Before next Sunday, read Romans 10:5-13.In his Letter to the Romans, Paul uses three different Greek words and one idiomatic phrase quoted from Proverbs, which all convey or are related to the idea of shame (v.11). What are some things that might make you feel ashamed or disgraced? Someone might feel ashamed of the Gospel, but Paul insists he, himself, is not ashamed of the Gospel and neither should we be.How do you honor the Good News of the Gospel in your life?