Bible Hour:
“Family – It’s Complicated!”
From the first book of the Bible to the latest news headline,
every household has its own generational story of how they
interacted, reacted, and treated one another. While some of
the biblical accounts are encouraging, some are filled with
unexplainable dysfunction – and these troubles still plague
modern-day families. Why are we angry? Why are there so
many single-parent homes? Why do we suffer with
So much of our own brokenness is rooted in our childhoods.
In a study on Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs),
researchers found an alarming percentage of adults who
had grown up abused and neglected in dysfunctional homes, which has resulted in a myriad of health, mental, and family issues. Although we can’t go back and mend our childhoods, we do have the ability to break the cycle of brokenness and encourage our own children and others to live better, resilient lives, with God’s help.
This small-group Bible study offers reactive solutions and brings to light information about ACEs by discussing dysfunctional similarities between families found in Genesis and today’s families. The balance of anecdotes, Bible commentary, and study questions will enable you to proactively dig to the roots of your struggles, and develop healthier, stronger family relationships, empowered by God’s Spirit.
PRIMARY GRADES (pre-K thru 5th): Children’s Message during worship
MIDDLE SCHOOL & HIGH SCHOOL CLASS (Grades 6-12): Teen Topics
LifeLight: meets most Wednesday mornings (9:30a-11a) during the school year at Mount Calvary.
~ led by Pastor Don Veitengruber