Mt. Calvary has a new Pastor

How will God give us our new Pastor? Wonderfully!

After several call attempts were declined feelings of discouragement and frustration challenged our optimism. Yet our heavenly Father had a better plan all along. Mt Calvary was not going to have a single pastor to meet all our needs. God’s plan was for even more than that!

During our vacancy we have been blessed with the service of Pastor Rob Appold. Pastor Rob’s service has been so appreciated and enlightening and comforting it would be sad to see him go when another pastor finally answered the call. So, God sent Pastor Dan Lepley AND made a way to also have Pastor Rob continue service to Mt Calvary.

Mt Calvary Lutheran Church of Greenville welcomes Pastor Dan Lepley, our new senior pastor and Pastor Rob Appold, our pastor Emeritus. Pastor Dan and Rob are already working together to provide for all our congregation needs each day the Lord has made. We have much in which to be glad. And a huge thanks to all who offered prayers during our transition. May we always trust in the Lord, He will never fail to amaze us with His grace, mercy and love!

Pastor Profile Summary

This is our congregational call statement: “He will be a leader who can build consensus among the congregation and lead them out into the community to build relationships. Mount Calvary is looking for a pastor who is creative and willing to work in the community. He will be able to reach across all ages to engage them in the life of the church. He will be open and able to do both traditional and contemporary worship. He will be a good teacher. He will also take time to visit the sick and shut-ins. He should be approachable and have a good sense of humor.” This has been achieved.

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